From the ARES Notes, SJCARES. The Great California Shake-Out
All Radio Amateurs
The Emergency Coordinator for San Joaquin County has registered the SCARES as the lead group for the Great Shake-Out drill/exercise for 2023.
The Exercise/Drill will be an official ARES exercise/drill and all licensed radio amateurs are invited to participate.
At 1010 hrs Local Time of 10th of October, the NET will be activated on the 147.090MHz repeater, and All amateur radio stations will be polled by 1st calling for ARES members and then Guests by call sign suffixes beginning letter. The suffix is the part of your call sign after the number.
The Exercise/Drill will be fully supported using NIMS/ICS forms.
Look for and download the filled-out ICS Forms:
Incident Action Plan Cover Page ICS 200 | Indicates the incident name, plan operational period, date prepared, approvals, and attachments (resources, organization, Communications Plan, Medical Plan, and other appropriate information). |
Incident Briefing ICS 201 | Provides the Incident Command/Unified Command and General Staffs with basic information regarding the incident situation and the resources allocated to the incident. This form also serves as a permanent record of the initial response to the incident. |
Incident Objectives ICS 202 | Describes the basic strategy and objectives for use during each operational period. |
Field Assignment ICS 204 | Used to inform personnel of assignments. After Incident Command/Unified Command approved the objectives, staff members receive the assignment information contained in this form. |
Incident Communications Plan ICS 205 | Provides, in one location, information on the assignments for all communications equipment for each operational period. The plan is a summary of information. Information from the Incident Communications Plan on frequency assignments can be placed on the appropriate Assignment form (ICS Form 204). |

The reason we are using these forms is part of my job is to learn to use the appropriate ICS forms.

HayWired 2022
HayWired is a planned Simulated Emergency Training (SET)Event planned for 2022.
Information on the Regional Planning Stages are found here: